Sunday, 8 February 2015

Past present and future

I have been very behind with this site of late and this is well overdue. I have been busy with my camera though at least and finished 2014 with a few small projects and trips. One trip was to Wales for a day. It was a dawn to dusk photo fest but in the sunshine I came back with some images I was delighted with including this chough and peregrine from South Stack.

2015 has seen me start a local hide project. I have tried to maximise the site near home by placing the hide in such a way that I can have a chance of woodland species, buzzard and also river species. So far I have had some lovely woodland birds visiting the feeders, the nuthatches perhaps being the most photogenic so far.

The buzzards are feeding on the roadkill I leave for them but so far not when I am in attendance. This weekend though at least my river watching was finally rewarded with this cracking kingfisher.

I still have a bit to do on my Forest of Dean portfolio and have a feeding site down there now too (fingers crossed) and this year I am also booked on trips for diving gannets and daytime pine marten so exciting times ahead.

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